Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride

Titanium nitride

Product name: Titanium nitride

Properties: TiN powder is generally yellowish brown, ultra-fine TiN powder is black, and TiN crystal is golden yellow.

Molecular weight: 667.27700

Melting point: 2950 (℃)

Boiling point: 0°C

Density: 5.24 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)

Flash point: 0°C

  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride
  • Titanium nitride

Titanium nitride typically has a gold-colored appearance, giving it a metallic luster. The color is influenced by the compound's optical properties.Titanium nitride has a high melting point, making it suitable for applications at elevated temperatures.


TiN is renowned for its exceptional hardness, making it one of the hardest materials known. This property contributes to its effectiveness as a coating for cutting tools, industrial equipment, and surfaces that require wear resistance.The hardness of TiN provides excellent wear resistance. It is commonly used as a protective coating to extend the lifespan of tools and equipment subjected to abrasive wear.

Titanium nitride


TiN is widely used as a coating for cutting tools such as drills, end mills, and inserts. The hardness and wear resistance of TiN coatings enhance the performance and durability of cutting tools, extending their lifespan.

Titanium nitride producer