  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret


Product name  DithiobiuretCharacter

Density 1.385 (estimate)

Melting point 181 °C

Boiling point 272.1±23.0 °C(Predicted)

Flash point 78.35°C

  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret
  • Dithiobiuret

Dithiobiuret is a chemical compound recognized by its specific name. This crystalline substance plays a role in various chemical processes, particularly in synthesis and reactions. As a key component, Dithiobiuret contributes to specific transformations and is valued for its unique properties. Widely utilized in research and industrial contexts, it holds significance for its role in advancing scientific endeavors. Dithiobiuret's characteristics make it valuable in controlled chemical reactions, contributing to the synthesis of diverse compounds and materials.


Dithiobiuret exhibits distinct characteristics as a crystalline chemical compound. Recognized for its unique properties, it plays a role in various chemical processes, particularly in controlled reactions and synthesis. Dithiobiuret is known for its stability and versatility in contributing to the creation of diverse compounds. Widely used in research and industrial contexts, its characteristics underscore its importance in advancing scientific endeavors. The compound's specific attributes make it valuable in controlled chemical reactions, enhancing its role in the synthesis of various compounds and materials within the field of organic chemistry.


Dithiobiuret is applied in various chemical processes, serving as a crucial component in synthesis and reactions. Widely utilized in research and industrial settings, its primary role lies in contributing to controlled chemical reactions. The compound's versatility makes it valuable for creating a range of organic compounds and materials. Dithiobiuret plays a significant role in advancing scientific endeavors, especially in the field of organic chemistry, where it facilitates precise reactions for the development of new substances and applications.

Dithiobiuret manufacturerDithiobiuret manufacturer