4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide

4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide

Chemical Compound Overview:
4-Bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide is a chemical compound known for its unique molecular structure and versatile applications.
Functional Properties:
Exhibits bromo and fluoro functional groups, contributing to its distinctive chemical reactivity and characteristics.
Synthetic Application:
Widely used as a key intermediate in organic synthesis, contributing to the creation of various compounds in pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide
  • 4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide

4-Bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide features a benzene ring with a bromine atom at the 4-position and a fluorine atom at the 2-position. Additionally, it contains a benzyl cyanide group (C6H5CH2CN) attached to the benzene ring.


4-Bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide serves as an intermediate in organic synthesis, allowing for the incorporation of its unique structural features into more complex molecules.

4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide


 The compound may find applications in the pharmaceutical industry as a building block for the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds. The bromine and fluorine substituents can influence the properties of the resulting drug molecules, potentially impacting factors like bioavailability or binding interactions.4-Bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide might be utilized in the synthesis of agrochemicals, such as herbicides or pesticides. The unique chemical structure can contribute to the effectiveness of these agricultural chemicals.

4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide manufacturer4-bromo-2-fluorobenzyl cyanide manufacturer