2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid

2-Azidopentanoic Acid

Product Name: 2-Azidopentanoic Acid

Properties Pure :white or off-white solid

Molecular weight: 142.136

  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
  • 2-Azidopentanoic Acid
The English name for 2-Azidopentanoic Acid is "2-Azidopentanoic Acid." It is a systematic name based on its chemical structure. This compound may not have a widely recognized English alias, and its nomenclature directly reflects its molecular composition.2-Azidopentanoic Acid is a chemical compound with distinct applications, characterized by its unique molecular structure. This compound, known for its:
Chemical Structure: Featuring an azido group, it is valuable in organic synthesis and serves as a precursor in the creation of various compounds.
Functional Group: The azido functional group makes it versatile for use in reactions leading to the formation of diverse organic products.
Synthetic Applications: Widely utilized in organic and polymer chemistry, contributing to the synthesis of compounds with specific functionalities.
Research and Development: Acts as a crucial reagent in laboratories, facilitating research and experimentation in the field of chemical sciences.
Biodegradability: PLA is inherently biodegradable, breaking down into natural components, contributing to environmental sustainability.
Renewable Sourcing: Derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch or sugarcane, reducing reliance on finite fossil fuels.
Bioactivity: PLA exhibits bioactive properties, making it suitable for specific medical and biomedical applications.
Versatility: PLA is a versatile thermoplastic used in various applications, including packaging, disposable tableware, textiles, and medical implants.
2-Azidopentanoic Acid2-Azidopentanoic AcidApplications:
Packaging: Used in the production of biodegradable packaging materials, reducing environmental impact compared to traditional plastics.
Disposable Tableware: Commonly employed in the manufacturing of disposable utensils, cups, and plates as a sustainable alternative.
Textiles: Utilized in the textile industry for the production of eco-friendly fabrics.
Medical Implants: PLA's bioactive nature makes it suitable for certain medical applications, including implants that can be absorbed by the body over time.
3D Printing: Widely used in 3D printing as a biodegradable and versatile filament material.
2-Azidopentanoic Acid Manufacturer 2-Azidopentanoic Acid Manufacturer